
One of the core businesses of One Renovations is investment into central London and outer London residential and commercial real estate and we like to think we are very good at it.

We have acquired millions of pounds worth of prime real estate over the years for our clients and have even invested ourselves and acquired assets as a company.

We identify property with an angle to increase capital value and income through active management and development. We have a proven track record of success of doing this on several levels from small flats to parades of shops and hotels.

We use our network of bank receivers, private clients and institutions to source opportunities and investments, and our investor portfolio includes private family offices, property funds and UHNW individual investors. We also advise private individuals looking for rental investments in central London as an alternative to depositing money in a bank.

Why we are different

There are a lot of companies who offer a bespoke service that is tailored to your specific needs, but very few deliver on this promise. With 30 years of experience in the industry, we are one of them. These are the reasons why we believe we stand out from the competition.

Our clients come from every corner of the globe. They are companies, foundations, and millions of individuals saving for retirement, their children’s educations and a better life.

Existing client base

We look after a growing number of clients from abroad who may hold one property all the way up to portfolios of twenty-five properties. We have a proven reputation of looking after our clients to the maximum liaising with clients to get matters resolved.

From something as small as replacing a microwave all the way up to refurbishing apartments and houses across the city where on call when you need us the most. Our clients are constantly updated weather it be from a message or a phone call were literally a call or email away.
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